Rules Outlaw 632

Stock style and general shape car / truck bodies.
Must have working taillights.
Must have engine diaper.
Minimum ground clearance 3”
Front extension not to exceed 6 inches from factory bumper. Max front end overhang with splitter is 45” from center of front spindle.
Courtesy staging and Auto Start will be in effect.
Bye runs- Must take tree under vehicle’s power.
Tech officials have final discretion on all rules on race day.
Must race 1st round to get 1st round loss payout.
No split dominator/ carbs.
EFI ok. + 50 lbs. for EFI combos.
No blowers.
No turbos.
Standard factory bore spacing only.
No Billet heads permitted.
Minimum clutch diameter 10”. Max 2 disks.
Progressives allowed(no 200Lbs. weight break for single kit).
Ladder – Outlaw ladder will be run. 16-1, 15-2, etc. If not full field, blanks will be loaded for unfilled spots.
All engines are subject to P & G at any time. Only a driver or car owner can protest another participant. It will be up to Showtime Dragstrip as to if such a protest is warranted. All protests are at the sum of $300.00. If driver being protested wins protest driver or owner of such car will receive $150.00. The remaining $150.00 goes to Showtime Dragstrip for the 632 awards banquet. Race director or race tech may waive, amend or modify any rule at any time for any single occurrence and/ or for good cause.
2 qualifying runs required.

1st round of eliminations – Opponent broke competitor must notify official timer (in tower) or race director no later than one hour prior to call for first round of eliminations. If this is done, an alternate will be placed in the last qualifying ladder will be reprinted. If closer than one hour prior to call for first round, opponent broke bye will be run.

Must take tree and be qualified car to receive first round money.


Minimum 14 cars required for full payout. Must have 16+ to run 16 car field. For 32 car field events, Minimum 28 cars required for full payout. Must have 28+ to run 32 car field.

All classes run 1/8th mile. Showtime Dragstrip has final say on all rules. All IHRA Safety Rules Apply. Car & Driver Base Weights

632 cubic inch limit (up to 640 ok) –
Small block –
Natural Aspirated –
Weight Deductions/ Additions- All Cars

3000 lbs.
2550 lbs.
BB 2600 lbs., SB (max 485 cu in)- no minimum weight

29.5 non W and under deduct 50 lbs.
Big block conventional heads – 100 lbs. Conventional head defined as maintaining valve angle +/-2 degrees of stock valve
angle. No raised runners.

Single carb – 50 lbs.
EFI +50 lbs
Single kit – No Progressives with weight break, big block – 200 lbs. Solenoids limited to bottom or side exit. No trash canpermitted. Only electric solenoids permitted to be used. No solenoids bigger than 125 permitted. Max 0.036 jet.Note: Effective March 1st, 2015 this deduct will not be available. There will not be a weight break for Big Block, no progressive combinations.
Single kit – No Progressives with weight break, small block – 200 lbs. Max 485 cu in. Solenoids limited to bottom or side exit. No trash can permitted. Only electric solenoids permitted to be used. No solenoids bigger than 125 permitted.
NA and Single Kit No progressive combos must have caps on any and all unused nitrous lines.
Despite combination of weight deductions minimum big block weight is 2750 lbs.
Despite combination of weight deductions minimum small block weights is 2350 lbs.